Soul Knows Best

“The greatest wealth is health.”
— Virgil


Aim to have a healthy diet of nutrient dense foods, limiting intake of sugar, processed foods, and alcohol. Organic, well-sourced foods should be consumed whenever possible.


In general, the minimum amount of water a person needs for adequate hydration is half of their body weight (in ounces) per day.


The body needs regular movement to maintain the health of the cardiovascular, lymphatic, and musculoskeletal systems. It doesn't have to be intense. Walking, yoga, dancing, lifting, and aerobic exercise all have great benefits.


How you feel and what you think has a profound impact on your body. Give yourself quiet time to reflect, express creativity, explore, learn and be with yourself.


While amount of sleep and circadian rhythms can vary, all bodies need time to repair. In general, this repair happens between 10 PM, and 6 AM.


Breathing is something we do an average of 20,000/day so breathing correctly is very important. Proper breathing technique is diaphragmatic, and keeps the body for the most part parasympathetic.


The body needs regular movement to maintain the health of the cardiovascular, lymphatic, and musculoskeletal systems. It doesn't have to be intense. Walking, yoga, dancing, lifting, and aerobic exercise all have great benefits.


How you feel and what you think has a profound impact on your body. Give yourself quiet time to reflect, express creativity, explore, learn and be with yourself.


In general, the minimum amount of water a person needs for adequate hydration is half of their body weight (in ounces) per day.


While amount of sleep and circadian rhythms can vary, all bodies need time to repair. In general, this repair happens between 10 PM, and 6 AM.


Aim to have a healthy diet of nutrient dense foods, limiting intake of sugar, processed foods, and alcohol. Organic, well-sourced whole foods should be consumed whenever possible.


Breathing is something we do an average of 20,000/day so breathing correctly is very important. Proper breathing technique is diaphragmatic, and keeps the body for the most part parasympathetic.